These findings present practical implications for professionals in sport and exercise psychology and coaches working with ultra-runners. OctoTR Intern Heading out the door Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members Download the app. This case study revealed impactful insight regarding the psychological processes of a female ultramarathon runner completing the FKT on this trail. The runner utilized psychological skills including goal setting and self-talk. This FKT is getting stout Who’s next BackboneTrail FKT FastestKnown OregonGivesYouWings' We've detected that JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Themes that emerged from these data included physical preparation, mental preparation, resilience, and social support. According to uponward, Dylan Bowman set the new supported FKT on the Backbone Trail in 9h 49m Shaved off another 23 minutes. On July 30th, 2021 after hiking through high mountains, hours of darkness, and monsoon storms, I finished the. Baldy Bowl Trail can be combined with the other major route to the summit, Devils Backbone Trail, to form an impressive 11.3-mile loop on Mount Baldy.
After most of his races were canceled this year, he completed extensive research and proper scouting on the the trail in order to go for the FKT. Start at the Soderberg Trailhead and run the full length of the Blue Sky Trail to the Devils Backbone Trailhead and back. R2R Trail Detour Near Lee Mine Congratulations Lindsey Roberts Second FKT Another Fastest Known Time Attempt Kevin Gottlieb FKT Trail Story Videos from a. Colorado trail Self-Supported FKT - 2021. Data collection included photo journaling, social media posts, event video footage, and a post-event semi-structured interview. Jeff Stern recently set the FKT on the Backbone Trail in Southern California.

'Wow, what an incredible trail Pure SoCal bliss. And he did it - new FKT of 9 hrs 49 min 14 sec. This study explored the psychological processes of a female ultramarathon runner completing a Fastest Known Time (FKT) on the 136.8-mile Backbone Trail in Santa Monica, California. And Tyler is a class act and a good friend.' So what about that FKT attempt he didnt want to disclose The Backbone Trail An increasingly popular and competitive route right above the Los Angeles basin. However, little is known about the influence of self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation on resilience in this population. Previous literature has examined motivation, mood, and cognitive processes of ultramarathon runners.

Ultramarathon running consists of race distances beyond the traditional marathon with hundreds of events worldwide.